Frozen Seafood Facts: 6 Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions

Do you tend to avoid buying frozen seafood? Do you think that buying fresh seafood is better than raiding the frozen aisle? You may not realize it, but there are many myths and fake frozen seafood facts out there that we want to set straight. So let us answer your six most frequently asked questions about frozen seafood. 

Throughout history, towns and cities that inhabit the coastlines have lived off the fresh seafood they have caught there. However, in the 1920s, as commercial fishing increased to meet the demand, the process of freezing was introduced to prevent the catch from spoiling. These freezing methods were not perfect, and the whole concept was not very popular.

Since then, however, freezing methods have advanced, and now frozen seafood is available worldwide. Some people are still concerned that fresh seafood may be better than the frozen alternative, but that simply isn’t the case. Keep reading to find out the answers to your top six questions around frozen seafood facts.

seafood1. Does Frozen Seafood Lose Nutritional Value Compared to Fresh?

Of all the frozen seafood myths, the most common misconception is that frozen seafood has less nutritional value than fresh seafood. As previously mentioned, back in the early 20th century, the freezing methods used often didn’t work and resulted in the loss of taste and texture. However, freezing techniques have come a long way since then, and this is not an issue anymore.

According to Gavin Gibbons from the National Fisheries Institute, as long as the seafood is frozen immediately after being caught, you “freeze in the freshness”. This means that none of those beneficial fats and nutrients are lost during storage. 

2. How Long Can You Store Frozen Seafood For?

We have all stored something at the back of the freezer for too long, but how long is too long when it comes to frozen seafood? 

According to The University of Rhode Island, as long as you freeze the seafood immediately after your purchase and at a temperature of -20 degrees — or as close to that figure as possible — the seafood itself should be good to take out and consume for up to six months. 

So there you have it. A frozen seafood fact that is worth remembering when you are bulk-buying seafood.

3. Can You Freeze Cooked Seafood?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent advice to stay at home, the need for comfort food has increased, and we have been tempted to batch cook our favorite seafood meals. 

Dishes like fried calamari and clam chowder — tastes we know and love — give reassurance in worrying times, so seafood may be thought of as an essential to add to our indispensable grocery purchases. Batch cooking triggers the question of whether it is safe to freeze already cooked seafood. Well, the answer is a definite yes, as long as it has been completely cooled first and defrosted thoroughly before reheating.

4. Is Buying Frozen Seafood Sustainable?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes.

Choosing sustainable seafood will help to stop the world’s oceans from being overfished and give fish stocks time to breed, grow, and replenish themselves.

When seafood is caught in season, when more plentiful, it can be frozen to meet the all year round demand while still caring for the ocean’s nurseries. Also, fresh seafood — being time-sensitive for freshness — may have to travel by air, which has a more negative impact on the environment than the slower transportation methods used to transport frozen seafood. So, buying frozen seafood can be more sustainable by giving ocean produce time to recover while being less damaging to the environment.

5. Does Frozen Seafood Lose Its Flavor?

You are making a special dish and you want the very best flavor, but you are concerned that the frozen seafood you’ve chosen will not be as delicious as fresh. 

Don’t worry, here is a frozen seafood fact you will like — not only does frozen seafood have the same nutrients as fresh, but if it is frozen quickly, there will be no loss of flavor or texture. 

Today, freezing can be easily achieved, sometimes only minutes after the seafood has been taken out of the water. This is because, most often, the catch is frozen in flash-freezing units while still at sea. If properly thawed, it will be just as delicious as the fresh variety that may even have become a little less than perfect in the time it takes to get to your kitchen. 

6. Is Buying Frozen Seafood More Affordable Than Buying Fresh?

The good news is that frozen seafood is about 20% cheaper than its fresh counterpart, and there are several reasons for this. 

Frozen seafood is cheaper to transport since it is less time-sensitive. There is also less wastage since it doesn’t need to be sold within a certain time. This means that the price can be lower than that charged for fresh seafood, which tends to be high to compensate the seller for possible loss of profit due to wastage and rapid transport costs. 

Frozen seafood can be caught when it is in abundance and therefore cheaper, whereas fresh seafood may be caught when there are seasonal shortages, which can cause the price to rise. As you can see, this frozen seafood fact is great news for your wallet. 

 Here at PanaPasca, we work hard to ensure that our frozen seafood meets your expectations in price, quality, and sustainability. Shop our range now and find the seafood you are looking for, or contact us today for more information. 
